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A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have! - Thomas Jefferson

Friday, January 4, 2008

Bill Richardson Speaks with Pakistani Opposition Leader Regarding Crisis in Pakistan

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif called New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson earlier today and thanked him for supporting immediate democracy in Pakistan.
Prime Minister Sharif and Governor Richardson discussed the modalities of an immediate transition to democracy in Pakistan and the steps necessary to guarantee free and fair elections.
"I think our national security is enhanced, not threatened, when we are true to our principles as Americans," Richardson said. "We supported the Shah of Iran until the bitter end and now our greatest national security threat is Iran. We supported the apartheid regime in South Africa, greatly harming our interests in the entire third world. And we supported numerous dictatorships in South America, making us pariahs in our own Hemisphere.

"You need a long-term strategic vision to protect our national security, not more foreign policy myopia."

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