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A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have! - Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, June 12, 2008

McCain - Senator McConnell On Barack Obama's "Gradual Adjustment" To Higher Gas Prices

"Their presidential nominee even admits it. He says the high price of gas isn't the problem. The problem, he says, is that prices went up too quickly." -- Senator Mitch McConnell

Senator Mitch McConnell
Washington, D.C.
June 12, 2008

Senator Mitch McConnell: "Their presidential nominee even admits it. He says the high price of gas isn't the problem. The problem, he says, is that prices went up too quickly. If he had his way, he would have raised prices but much more slowly. He would have preferred that gas prices go up much more slowly than the $1 increase we've seen under this new Democratic Congress over the past year. He would have preferred they go up more slowly than the astonishing $1.73 increase per gallon of gasoline we've seen in just the 17 months since Democrats took over Congress in January 2007. As the Democratic nominee put it in an interview earlier this week, he would have preferred a gradual adjustment in gas prices, presumably so Americans wouldn't notice the shock of it all.

"We used to think $4-a-gallon gasoline was simply unthinkable. Our friends on the other side were apparently thinking about it all along. I think I would have preferred a gradual readjustment, said the Democratic nominee."

Watch Senator McConnell.

Watch Barack Obama's "Gradual Adjustment" Comment.

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