“Big Government reduces our liberty and prosperity,” says Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party candidate for president. “It also corrupts the political process. For it is pursuit of federal dollars and regulatory privileges that has led to the explosive growth of the lobbying complex we call K Street,” explains Barr.
After the Republican Party took control of Congress in 1994, the GOP leadership attempted to take control of K Street, forcing the hiring of more Republicans and using the lobbies for partisan advantage. “Now the Democrats, having won control of Congress in 2006, are trying to do the same,” observes Barr. Roll Call reports that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and other Democratic leaders are demanding that K Street accept and work with the new rulers of Capitol Hill.
“Unfortunately, the housing legislation now before Congress shows the result of this cozy relationship: massive bail-outs, political slush funds, and additional assaults on our pocketbooks and our liberties,” says Barr. So-called reform bills, like Sen. John McCain’s assault on the First Amendment in the guise of purifying campaign finance, only reshuffle who has influence. Indeed, despite Sen. McCain’s reformist rhetoric, his campaign has been funded and run by lobbyists.
K Street will be with us as long as Washington has more than $3 trillion in taxpayers’ money and endless regulatory favors to dispense to the well-connected. The Democrats are merely doing what the Republicans did before them, and the Democrats before them. Real reform requires that we shift money and power out of Washington and back to the states and the people where they belong.
Barr represented the 7th District of Georgia in the U. S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 2003, where he served as a senior member of the Judiciary Committee, as Vice-Chairman of the Government Reform Committee, and as a member of the Committee on Financial Services. Prior to his congressional career, Barr was appointed by President Reagan to serve as the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia, and also served as an official with the CIA.
Since leaving Congress, Barr has been practicing law and has teamed up with groups ranging from the American Civil Liberties Union to the American Conservative Union to actively advocate every American citizens’ right to privacy and other civil liberties guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. Along with this, Bob is committed to helping elect leaders who will strive for smaller government, lower taxes and abundant individual freedom.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
To Clean Out K Street Cut Government, Says Bob Barr
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Georgia Front Page.com
7:49 AM
Friday, June 27, 2008
Eliminate Fingerprint Registry in Housing Bill, Says Bob Barr
“The housing bail-out should be defeated for many reasons,” says Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party candidate for president. “It forces responsible renters, homeowners, and taxpayers to bail out irresponsible investors, lenders, and buyers. The legislation also is tainted by a conflict of interest, since Sen. Christopher Dodd, who wrote the bill, has received a cut rate mortgage from one of the companies which will benefit from the congressionally-mandated but taxpayer-funded bailout.”
As if that was not enough, notes Barr, the legislation, currently pending on the Senate floor, “creates a fingerprint registry for potentially thousands of employees in the real estate and mortgage industries.” The bill technically covers “loan originators,” but defines the term broadly enough to cover even clerical workers.
“If this provision is approved, the federal government will create a permanent database of thousands of Americans never suspected of misconduct, let alone of committing a crime,” explains Barr. “People now constantly find their privacy and liberties under assault by government. We must not permit Congress to engage in another end run around the Constitution when we aren’t looking.”
Moreover, the fingerprint registry is no answer to the housing crisis. “Rather than treat an entire industry as criminal, the U.S. Senate would do more to prevent a recurrence of mortgage fraud by voting against Sen. Dodd’s irresponsible bail-out plan,” says Barr. If we turn capitalism “into a no-lose game for those who want to gamble with other people’s money, there will be more financial crises and more bail-outs. It is time for Congress to just say no to more welfare for the well-connected.”
Barr represented the 7th District of Georgia in the U. S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 2003, where he served as a senior member of the Judiciary Committee, as Vice-Chairman of the Government Reform Committee, and as a member of the Committee on Financial Services. Prior to his congressional career, Barr was appointed by President Reagan to serve as the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia, and also served as an official with the CIA.
Since leaving Congress, Barr has been practicing law and has teamed up with groups ranging from the American Civil Liberties Union to the American Conservative Union to actively advocate every American citizens’ right to privacy and other civil liberties guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. Along with this, Bob is committed to helping elect leaders who will strive for smaller government, lower taxes and abundant individual freedom.
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Georgia Front Page.com
9:46 PM
McCain Campaign Conference Call With Governor Jane Swift
"I guess in looking at the event in appropriately named Unity today, it made me wish that Senator Obama had actually worked as hard to bridge the partisan divide in Washington, D.C., during his short time there, as he is working hard apparently to bridge the divide in his own party with Hillary Clinton voters." -- Governor Jane Swift
ARLINGTON, VA -- Today, former Governor Jane Swift held a conference call to discuss Barack Obama's event today:
Governor Jane Swift: "One of the reasons that I was compelled to support John McCain in the very difficult times was my admiration for his -- not only willingness, but his demonstrated willingness to reach across the aisle to address some of the most vexing issues facing our country. And certainly in a tough economy with all the threats that we face internationally, I think it's incredibly important that we elect a president who can bridge the partisan divide in Washington, not only because he says that's what he intends to do, but more importantly because he's demonstrated the courage to do that in his elected life.
"I guess in looking at the event in appropriately named Unity today, it made me wish that Senator Obama had actually worked as hard to bridge the partisan divide in Washington, D.C., during his short time there, as he is working hard apparently to bridge the divide in his own party with Hillary Clinton voters.
"I think that it is really important to have someone elected who's words mean something, and I think what we have seen in the last several weeks from Senator Obama is a disappointing reality that has emerged that his words really don't mean that much, whether it is the campaign finance pledge that he has reneged on, the current inconsistency with his position on the D.C. handgun ban, issues around trade. It is, I think, becoming obvious to Americans across the country that he is more a typical politician than his lofty rhetoric would have led us to believe. And I think it is that reality, the emptiness of the words that he puts forward when matched up against the reality of his changing positions and his lack of demonstrated ability to reach across the aisle for real results, that is going to cause a problem for Senator Obama, despite events like today as he reaches out to the folks who voted for Hillary Clin ton, and I think rightfully admired some of the times that she was willing to buck her own party and work across the aisle.
"And I think it'll also be on the minds of all Americans that in these difficult and challenging times, the biggest problem we face is electing leaders who are willing to stand up to entrenched interests in Washington, and to work for the best interests of all Americans, and that is something that Senator McCain has earned my admiration, for his consistent willingness to do."
Listen To The Full Conference Call
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Georgia Front Page.com
9:39 PM
Barr Applauds Supreme Court for Defending First Amendment by Rejecting McCain Campaign Finance Restriction
“Although public attention yesterday focused on the gun control case in Heller, the Supreme Court made another critically important ruling on behalf of liberty,” notes Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party presidential nominee. In Davis v. Federal Election Commission, the Court overturned the so-called “Millionaire’s Amendment,” which penalized wealthy candidates who spend their own money when seeking office.
“This provision was presented as an attempt to level the campaign playing field, but in fact it provided another protection for incumbents against challengers,” explains Barr. He points to Justice Samuel Alito’s majority opinion, which ruled that the restriction imposes “an unprecedented penalty on any candidate who robustly exercises” his or her free speech rights.
In fact, the McCain-Feingold bill was a systematic attack on the First Amendment. “Although the Court mistakenly upheld the basic law, it has since ruled against some of measure’s worst provisions,” notes Barr. Ironically, “while Sen. John McCain likes to talk about appointing conservative judges to the Court, his allies in this case were Justices John Paul Stevens, Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and David Souter - all members of the liberal block.”
“Liberty in America is indivisible,” Barr says. “Conservative and liberal politicians like to pick and choose which freedoms they prefer, but Americans depend on the entire Bill of Rights to guarantee their liberty. The American people deserve a president prepared to fight for all of their freedoms.”
Barr represented the 7th District of Georgia in the U. S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 2003, where he served as a senior member of the Judiciary Committee, as Vice-Chairman of the Government Reform Committee, and as a member of the Committee on Financial Services. Prior to his congressional career, Barr was appointed by President Reagan to serve as the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia, and also served as an official with the CIA.
Since leaving Congress, Barr has been practicing law and has teamed up with groups ranging from the American Civil Liberties Union to the American Conservative Union to actively advocate every American citizens’ right to privacy and other civil liberties guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. Along with this, Bob is committed to helping elect leaders who will strive for smaller government, lower taxes and abundant individual freedom.
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Georgia Front Page.com
9:38 PM
Secretary of State Handel Announces the Close of Candidate Qualifying
Georgia Secretary of State Karen Handel today at noon closed the qualifying period for candidates seeking ballot placement in the 2008 General Election as nonpartisan, independent and political body candidates.
Secretary Handel will send a certified list of the federal and state candidates to each county elections superintendent.
A list of all candidates that qualified for the July General Primary and the November General Election can be found on the Secretary of State’s website: http://www.sos.georgia.gov/cgi-bin/qualifyingindex.asp.
Karen Handel was sworn in as Secretary of State in January 2007. The Secretary of State's office offers important services to our citizens and our business community. Among the office’s wide-ranging responsibilities, the Secretary of State is charged with conducting efficient and secure elections, the registration of corporations, and the regulation of securities and professional license holders. The office also oversees the Georgia Archives and the Capitol Museum.
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Georgia Front Page.com
4:30 PM
Governor Richardson Praises Obama’s Plan to Make America Energy Independent and Help Families Struggling with High Gas Prices
New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson delivered the Democratic radio address this week. Governor Richardson, who served as Secretary of Energy in the Clinton administration, praised Senator Barack Obama for his ability to bring change to Washington and help American families struggling with the high cost of energy.
In his address, Governor Richardson applauds Senator Obama for his dedication to ending the country’s dependence on foreign oil and his commitment to investing in alternative energy sources. Governor Richardson points out that John McCain’s support for expanded offshore drilling will do nothing to help struggling families and a faltering economy.
The transcript of the radio address is below.
To listen to the address, click here:
Transcript of Radio Address:
Good morning. I’m Bill Richardson, Governor of New Mexico.
Across this country Americans are hurting – struggling to cope with the soaring cost of gas and groceries. And they know that Washington hasn’t done enough to bring prices down or to end our dependence on foreign oil. And they certainly know that we haven’t done enough to help struggling families in the short term.
A failure of leadership has gotten us into this situation and only real, honest leadership can get us out. When times are tough it’s easy to go with what seems like a quick fix. But in government, just like in our personal lives, quick fixes are gimmicks that often just make things worse.
John McCain is offering gimmicks that on the surface may sound good; but, in reality will cost us jobs and won’t help families. And they certainly won’t reduce our addiction to imported oil. Senator McCain’s gimmicks – a gas tax holiday that will save consumers at most a gas tax holiday that will save consumers—at most—thirty cents a day for three months, and offering a prize for inventing a car battery - are not answers. As former Secretary of Energy, I know they won’t work.
Barack Obama is proposing real solutions that will provide immediate relief to Americans and build a new energy economy for the future. Senator Obama will push for a second stimulus package that will send out another round of rebate checks to the American people. He’ll tax the record profits of oil companies and use the money to help struggling families pay their energy bills. He’ll provide a $1,000 tax cut that will go to 95 percent of all workers and their families in this country. And he’ll close the loophole that allows corporations like Enron to engage in unregulated speculation that ends up artificially driving up the price of oil.
Obama will also raise the fuel standards in our cars and trucks and provide financial help to our automakers and autoworkers to help them make this transition. He’ll invest $150 billion over the next ten years in alternative sources of energy like wind power, and solar power, and advanced biofuels, creating up to five million new jobs.
President Bush and Senator McCain want to open our pristine wilderness lands and shorelines to unrestricted drilling. That is beyond irresponsible- it is dangerous and unnecessary. And will do nothing to provide immediate relief for families struggling with the high cost of gas. We’re not against responsible drilling. We believe the oil companies should drill on some of the millions of acres of land they already have but aren’t using, instead of snapping up new land and putting our natural resources at risk. We’re against irresponsible drilling. And the truth is we have just less than 2% of the world’s oil reserves but 25% of the demand. We can’t simply drill our way out of this energy crisis.
Barack Obama is offering a serious national commitment to transition our economy from our dependence on oil to clean, affordable sources of energy. He’ll make it a priority to finally reduce our dependence on foreign oil. And instead of giving out tax breaks to the oil companies, he’ll put tax breaks in the pockets of the middle class Americans who are the true engine of our economy.
As we prepare to celebrate our nation’s independence, let us all join with Senator Obama in a commitment to declare our independence from imported oil. Barack’s plan to build a new energy future and a stronger middle class is not a partisan issue- It’s an American issue. It’s the right thing to do.
This Fourth of July, please keep our men and women serving in uniform in your prayers and in your hearts. God Bless You, and God Bless America.
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Georgia Front Page.com
4:14 PM
Thursday, June 26, 2008
McCain - Gov. Mitt Romney On CNN's "American Morning"
"[Barack Obama] has consistently voted with his party on the most partisan issues and put his party and personal interests ahead of those of the nation. I think, [he's] been unable during his career at any time to reach across the aisle, find compromise, find ways to get things done other than simply towing the party line." -- Gov. Mitt Romney
Gov. Mitt Romney
CNN's "American Morning"
June 26, 2008
CNN's John Roberts: "Joining me now from Boston is one-time Republican presidential candidate and current McCain supporter, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. Governor, it's good to see you. What's this all about, this idea that Senator Obama is putting his party's and his own self-interest ahead of those of the nation?"
Gov. Mitt Romney: "Well, you have in Barack Obama, I think, a very charming individual that a lot of people are attracted to. He's well spoken and thoughtful, but the fact and reality is that he's not a very experienced person, and he's somebody who has not shown, if you will, the kind of leadership I think America needs right now at such a critical time. He has consistently voted with his party on the most partisan issues and put his party and personal interests ahead of those of the nation. I think, [he's] been unable during his career at any time to reach across the aisle, find compromise, find ways to get things done other than simply towing the party line. I think people feel we've had too much of that in Washington and that's, in part, why I think John McCain will be successful. His reputation and record is as a leader who reaches across the line. Sometimes he's thumbed his nose at his own party and said, 'Look you guys are wrong. ' He does what he thinks is right."
Watch Gov. Mitt Romney.
Read The Memo From Steve Schmidt.
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Georgia Front Page.com
10:59 AM
Labels: barack obama, brooks, fayette, fayette county, fayette front page, fayetteville, peachtree city, tyrone, woolsey
Libertarian Party Says Heller Ruling a 'Preservation of Liberty in the United States'
Following the Supreme Court's ruling in the case District of Columbia v. Heller, Libertarian Party spokesperson Andrew Davis called the case a "landmark victory for the preservation of liberty in the United States."
The Libertarian Party was the only political party to file a brief in the case.
"Firearms are a distinct component of the American national character," says Davis. "The Libertarian Party is more than pleased to see that the Supreme Court recognizes this American tradition as an individual right, and seeks to protect it as such. Today's decision is a giant step forward in protecting the rights of millions of American gun owners."
In the brief written by Barr, who also serves on the board for the National Rifle Association, he stated the Libertarian Party "is an established political party dedicated to a strict adherence to the Constitution," which includes "the right of an individual to keep and bear arms in the defense of life, liberty and property."
The Heller decision is expected to be a major component of presidential politics in the upcoming election, and is an issue with which both presumptive GOP nominee John McCain and Democratic nominee Barack Obama have struggled.
"Given that the NRA once called McCain one of the 'premier flag carriers for the enemies of the Second Amendment,' it is clear which political party truly cares about the Second Amendment," says Davis. "The Bush administration has consistently tried to undermine the individual's right to keep and bear arms, and the GOP seems poised again to nominate a candidate for president with a horrible track record on gun rights."
Davis remarked that "Obama isn't any better than McCain" when it comes to the Second Amendment.
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Georgia Front Page.com
10:45 AM
Labels: barack obama, bob barr, brooks, fayette, fayette county, fayette front page, fayetteville, georgia, peachtree city, tyrone, woolsey
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
FRIDAY: Senators Clinton and Obama to Campaign Together in Town of Unity, New Hampshire
Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator Barack Obama will hold a “Unite for Change” Rally this Friday in Unity, New Hampshire. Both candidates received exactly 107 votes in the western New Hampshire town in the primary. See below for important event details regarding ticketing and parking.
Friday, June 27
“Unite for Change” Rally with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton
Unity Elementary School
864 Second NH Turnpike
Unity, NH 03773
The event is free and open to the public. Gates open at 11:00 AM. However, there is NO ONSITE PARKING. Members of the public MUST take shuttles provided by the Obama campaign to access the event. Shuttles will begin running at 10:00 AM Friday, June 27, from the locations listed below. Tickets are REQUIRED to ride the shuttles. Shuttles are first-come, first-served for ticket-holders. Members of the public can get tickets online at www.barackobama.com
Shuttle locations
Mount Sunapee Resort
1398 Route 103
Newbury, NH 03255
Twin State Speedway
282 Thrasher Road
Claremont, NH 03743
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Georgia Front Page.com
6:58 AM
Labels: barack obama, brooks, fayette, fayette county, fayette front page, fayetteville, hillary clinton, peachtree city, tyrone, woolsey
Michelle Obama and Governor Jeanne Shaheen to Campaign in New Hampshire Thursday
The Obama Campaign today announced Michelle Obama will return to New Hampshire for a campaign stop on Thursday, June 26. Continuing the series of roundtable discussions Michelle kicked off in New Hampshire and hosted around the country throughout the primary season, Obama and Shaheen will speak with working women about the challenges they face at a roundtable discussion in Manchester.
Thursday, June 26
Manchester, NH
A Discussion with NH Women, Michelle Obama and Gov. Jeanne Shaheen
The Armory
Radisson Hotel
700 Elm Street
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Georgia Front Page.com
6:54 AM
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Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Statement of Senator Barack Obama on the Crisis in Zimbabwe
Senator Barack Obama issued the following statement today on the crisis in Zimbabwe:
"I am deeply disturbed by the recent events in Zimbabwe and condemn the actions of President Robert Mugabe in the strongest possible terms. The United States and the international community must be united, clear and unequivocal: the Government of Zimbabwe is illegitimate and lacks any credibility.
"I welcome yesterday's United Nations Security Council statement condemning the violence sweeping Zimbabwe, and underscoring that the Zimbabwean government's campaign of repression and brutality has made it impossible for the June 27 elections to be free and fair. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is absolutely right when he says that run-off elections under these circumstances would lack any legitimacy.
"Indeed, it is the result of the abrogated March 2008 elections that represents the genuine will of the Zimbabwean people. I have spoken with MDC Leader Morgan Tsvangirai to share my deep concern for the way his supporters are being targeted by the regime, and to express my admiration for his efforts to ensure that the will of the Zimbabwean people is finally respected.
"The people of Zimbabwe have suffered far too long. They live in fear and struggle to survive, as opposition supporters and leaders, civil society activists, and ordinary citizens are subject to harassment, torture, and murder. The government-orchestrated economic catastrophe has wrought run-away inflation and food and fuel shortages. The regime's deliberate disruption of humanitarian operations has left the Zimbabwean people in utter despair. This crisis is affecting the entire Southern African region and mars the vision of a more just, prosperous, and stable continent to which African leaders are committed.
"I am heartened by the growing chorus of African leaders supporting the civil and political rights of the Zimbabwean people. The Governments of Zambia, Botswana, Tanzania, Angola, Senegal, Kenya and South Africa's African National Congress (ANC), civil society leaders and trade unions have all denounced the Zimbabwean government's repression. But they must do much more to help prevent the crisis in Zimbabwe from spiraling out of control. In particular, the South African government and the ANC must recognize the need – and must call for – the kind of diplomatic action that is necessary to pressure the Zimbabwean government to stop its repressive behavior.
"The United States should work with regional leaders and others to press for postponed elections conducted under a strong international monitoring presence and, to the extent possible, meaningful civil protection measures. If fresh elections prove impossible, regional leaders backed by the international community should pursue an enforceable, negotiated political transition in Zimbabwe that would end repressive rule and enable genuine democracy to take root. Finally, the United States must tighten our existing sanctions, just as the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the African Union (AU), and the UN should implement a carefully crafted regime of targeted sanctions against Zimbabwean officials who continue to thwart democracy and undermine the rule of law."
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Georgia Front Page.com
4:35 PM
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Give Parents a Choice in Education, Says Bob Barr
The federal Department of Education is spending almost $70 billion this year on a function not even mentioned in the Constitution. “The Department should be closed down and the money left with the American people to use for education at the family, local, and state levels,” says Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party presidential nominee.
While spending so much money on programs that should not exist, in 2003 the Congress created a small voucher program started for students in Washington, D.C., which has some of the worst schools in the nation. Now the Democratic majority is planning on killing the initiative, putting nearly 2000 students back into the failed public school system. “The only federal education program Congress wants to get rid of is the one doing the most to help poor kids,” observes Barr.
But since education is not a federal responsibility, “a better way to promote educational opportunity is at the state level,” explains Barr. There are now 22 different choice programs in 14 states. Some of those initiatives provide vouchers; others create tax credits. “I commend Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue for recently signing into law legislation creating a state income tax credit for individuals and companies that donate to groups which provide private scholarships for students,” said Barr.
In fact, “private scholarships have become an increasingly important choice mechanism across the nation,” Barr notes. Examples range from the District of Columbia's Washington Scholarship Fund to Portland, Oregon’s Children’s Scholarship Fund. “In this way average people who want to improve education can avoid the political obstacles to reforming the public schools,” he adds.
America’s public educational monopoly is not working. “The failure to adequately educate our children to compete in the international marketplace and to be good citizens in a free society is truly scandalous,” says Barr. “The answers will not come from Washington. Instead, they will come from families across America as they educate their own children, put their children into private schools, and improve the public system,” Barr adds. We expect choice and competition throughout the economy. “It’s time to apply those same principles to education,” he insists.
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Georgia Front Page.com
6:56 AM
Labels: bob barr, brooks, fayette, fayette county, fayette front page, fayetteville, georgia, peachtree city, tyrone, woolsey
Monday, June 23, 2008
Statement of Senator Barack Obama on the Anniversary of Title IX
Senator Barack Obama today released the following statement to commemorate the 36th Anniversary of Title IX.
“Thirty-six years ago today, America took a bold step forward on the long march toward justice and equality when Congress enacted Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, banning gender discrimination in all education programs that receive federal money. When Title IX was passed, many schools had formal or informal policies that suggested no young women need apply. High school girls were routinely barred from vocational education classes. Girls who wanted to play sports were told it was too dangerous, too unfeminine.”
“But thanks to Title IX, we have made much progress. Women now make up more than half of the students in our nation’s colleges and universities. American dominance in women’s sports on the world stage is a testament to the door that Title IX opened for young female athletes - and we know the women on the U.S. Olympic Team will make America proud this summer.”
“But even as these facts speak to the progress that we’ve made, we know that too many of America’s daughters grow up facing barriers to their dreams. Women’s sports still often get short shrift in high school and college. High school vocational courses still tend to guide women toward lower-paying occupations. And when Americans need new skills to compete in this 21st century economy, women still make up fewer than one in five of our engineering graduates, and the number entering computer and information sciences programs is on the decline.”
“When I’m President, I’ll fight to make sure our female students have equal opportunities from pre-kindergarten all the way through graduate school. I will strengthen Title IX enforcement at the Department of Education. I will support the High School Sports Information Collection Act, which directs schools to make information on equality in athletic programs publicly available, as it is at the collegiate level. And I will direct my Department of Education to help schools take proactive steps to fulfill their Title IX obligations in both the sports and academic arenas.”
“I am the father of two young girls who are growing up playing sports and who are beneficiaries of the doors Title IX opened. I’m running for President to make sure that the American Dream is within reach for every young girl in this country. That, after all, is what Title IX is all about – fulfilling our founding promise of equal opportunity for all. And that is the America we can build together – an America where our daughters have the same opportunities as our sons.”
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Georgia Front Page.com
4:49 PM
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Libertarian Party Says Obama 'Sold Out' Liberty on FISA Compromise
The Libertarian Party condemned Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama for recently stating he does not oppose the Bush administration's program of illegally spying on U.S. citizens. "Obama has sold out liberty in his refusal to stand up to Republicans on FISA," says Libertarian Party spokesperson Andrew Davis.
"We have come to expect Republicans to hold a contempt for basic protections of civil liberties," says Davis. "To see this same type of reckless disregard for the Constitution from Democrats--especially their presidential nominee--is extremely unfortunate. Democrats were given a chance to stand up to Republicans after the 2006 election, but they have failed to do so time and time again ever since. Obama's refusal to state a clear opposition to the President's illegal program of domestic surveillance is just one more example of how both Republicans and Democrats have failed the American people."
In an interview last week with ABC News' Senior National Correspondent Jack Tapper, Obama stated, "I haven't opposed, for example, the national security surveillance program, the NSA program," adding that he believed the program could be done without violating the Constitution.
"Perhaps it is in Obama's nature as a big-government liberal to trust the government with unchecked power," Davis adds, "but supporting a proposal to give the government blanket permission to spy on American citizens should give voters an idea of how much Obama respects the Constitution and privacy rights."
The Libertarian Party has called repeatedly to reject any amendment to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act that empowers the government to spy on U.S. citizens, which includes the most recent "compromise" by Republicans and Democrats. Additionally, Libertarian Party candidate for president Bob Barr recently issued a video that blasted supporters of the recent FISA amendments.
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Georgia Front Page.com
1:53 PM
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Protect Private Property, Enforce the Fifth Amendment, Says Bob Barr
Three years ago today the U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision in Kelo v. City of New London, undercutting the Constitution’s protection against the unlawful taking of private property. “In Kelo the Supreme Court held that government could take private property to give away to private developers so government could collect more tax revenue,” explains Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party candidate for president. “That allows governments across America to ignore the Fifth Amendment’s clear requirement that property be taken only for a ‘public use’,” Barr adds.
Many states responded to Kelo by restricting the use of eminent domain to conform to the Constitution’s language rather than to the Court’s interpretation. But abuses still occur. Thus, “the president should direct all federal departments and agencies to avoid the seizure of private property except as a last resort, and for a legitimate public purpose,” says Barr. Congress should similarly restrict any federal grant money to states and localities.
“Even though the Supreme Court has improperly minimized the scope of the Fifth Amendment, every public official who takes an oath to the Constitution has a responsibility to respect the nation’s fundamental law,” notes Barr. “The president and members of Congress should act only in accordance with the Constitution’s clear guarantee for the right to private property.”
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Georgia Front Page.com
1:18 PM
Labels: bob barr, brooks, fayette, fayette county, fayette front page, fayetteville, georgia, peachtree city, tyrone, woolsey
Saturday, June 21, 2008
McCain - Boston Herald, Mark Shields And David Brooks On Barack Obama Breaking Public Financing Pledge
"We occasionally grow weary of the term 'flip-flop' during political campaigns. In this case we're satisfied to use 'broken promise.'" -- The Boston Herald
"It was a flip-flop of epic proportions. It was one that he could not rationalize or justify. His video was unconvincing. He looked like someone who was being kept as a hostage somewhere he was so absolutely unconvincing in it. It could not have passed a polygraph test." -- Mark Shields
"It would have at least been honest, as opposed to sort of operatic, which that video was. He treated it as if some noble decision to finalize democracy. It was ludicrous. I do think it's the low point of the Obama candidacy. And so, in some ways, this is terrible because it's epic hypocrisy." -- David Brooks
Agent Of 'Reform' Follows The Money
Boston Herald
June 21, 2008
Barack Obama's decision to reject public financing of his presidential campaign comes down, of course, to basic arithmetic. The man is a private fund-raising machine. He expects to raise at least two or three times the $84 million he would be allowed to spend under the public financing system and he knows a political advantage when he sees one.
But given his professed support for public financing not just in general but in this very election cycle, Obama and his handlers obviously felt his decision required a high-minded video explanation.
And it was as tortured as one might expect from a candidate who has based his entire campaign on being an agent of reform.
We learned that in fact, it's John McCain's fault that Obama has been forced to go this route.
"We face opponents who've become masters at gaming this broken system," Obama proclaimed in the video, adding that McCain "won't stop the smears and attacks from his allies" in independent groups that can raise funds without limits.
That's a truly remarkable political contortion. We've yet to hear much of anything from independent GOP groups in this election cycle. And in fact Obama's announcement came in the same week that MoveOn.org and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees launched a national television ad that wildly distorts McCain's statements on Iraq. Apparently if the baby in the ad is cute enough, it doesn't count as a smear from a political ally.
Ah, but Obama has washed his hands of the independents, hasn't he? In fact he has rejected donations from lobbyists and political action committees to his campaign and the Democratic Party, which we supported. But frankly when you're Barack Obama, who needs 'em? And he has discouraged his supporters from donating to outside groups but then again, so has John McCain.
Another defense for rejecting public financing and the spending limits that go with it: The majority of his donors have given his campaign less than $100 apiece and in Obama's world that amounts to a new kind of public financing, free of special interests. Note that this year the prime beneficiary of that "system" is ... Barack Obama.
The public financing system, adopted in the wake of Watergate, may indeed be imperfect and in need of reform. But for Barack Obama that is a problem best dealt with, conveniently enough, after the election.
We occasionally grow weary of the term "flip-flop" during political campaigns. In this case we're satisfied to use "broken promise."
Read The Boston Herald Editorial.
PBS' "NewsHour"
June 20, 2008
Mark Shields: "Barack Obama made history this week. He became the first presidential nominee since Richard Nixon in 1972 to state that his campaign will be funded totally by private donations with no limits on spending.
"It was a flip-flop of epic proportions. It was one that he could not rationalize or justify. His video was unconvincing. He looked like someone who was being kept as a hostage somewhere he was so absolutely unconvincing in it. It could not have passed a polygraph test.
"I mean, coming up with this bogus argument the Republicans have so much more money -- the Republicans don't have so much more money. He's raised three times as much as John McCain has.
"He has every possible committee, except Republican National Committee, Democrats at the Senate level, congressional level have this lopsided edge over Republicans. They spent three times as much, did Democratic leaning 527s, in the last election as did Republicans.
"So what Obama didn't admit was, up until February of this year, when he told Tim Russert that not only would he aggressively seek an agreement on public financing, that he personally would sit down with John McCain and work it out, then, all of a sudden, they realized that all these small contributions were coming in and he was going to have a financial advantage in the fall against the Republican, and they grabbed it."
Judy Woodruff: "Well, David, would it have helped Obama if he had just come out and said, 'Look, I think I'm raising more money, and I'm raising small contributions, and I've just changed my mind?'"
David Brooks: "It would have at least been honest, as opposed to sort of operatic, which that video was. He treated it as if some noble decision to finalize democracy. It was ludicrous.
"I do think it's the low point of the Obama candidacy, and I think it for this reason. His entire career he has put political reform at the center of it. In the Illinois legislature, in the Senate, political reform has been the essence of who he has been. And so for him to betray this, to sell out this issue, what won't he sell out?
"And it really reveals something about his conscience. It reveals that he has this idealistic side, which is a serious policy side, but he also has a tough Machiavellian side, a political hack side, and he wants to win.
"And so, in some ways, this is terrible because it's epic hypocrisy."
Watch The "NewsHour".
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Georgia Front Page.com
7:21 PM
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McCain - Barack Obama Attacks His Own National Co-Chair --
Attacking John McCain, Barack Obama Forgets That His Own National Co-Chair Joined McCain To Vote Against Bill That Put Pork Over Levees.
OBAMA'S WORDS: Barack Obama Says John McCain Is To Blame For Midwest Flooding Because He Voted Against The Water Resources Development Act Of 2007 (WRDA):
Barack Obama Says That John McCain Voted Against Funding Levees And Flood Control Programs, Implying That He Is Responsible For The Flooding. "'I know that Sen. McCain felt as strongly as I did,' Obama said, 'feeling enormous sympathy for the victims of the recent flooding. I'm sure they appreciated the sentiment, but they probably would have appreciated it even more if Sen. McCain hadn't opposed legislation to fund levees and flood control programs, which he considers pork.' The bill that McCain opposed spent $23 billion on water projects. It passed Congress overwhelmingly and was vetoed by President Bush because he said it spent too much on lawmaker's pet projects. Congress voted to override the veto, the first time of Bush's presidency." (Nedra Pickler, "Obama, McCain Spar On Levees," The Associated Press, 6/19/08)
FACT: In Attacking John McCain For Opposing The WRDA Bill, Barack Obama Is Attacking His Own National Co-Chair -- Senator Claire McCaskill -- Who Voted Against The Bill. Is She To Blame For Levees In Missouri Breaking?
Obama National Co-Chair Senator Claire McCaskill Voted Against The Passage Of The Water Resources Development Act -- The Same Bill That Barack Obama Is Citing Today To Attack John McCain. "Adoption of the conference report on the bill that would authorize $23.2 billion for more than 900 water resource development projects and studies by the Army Corps of Engineers for flood control, navigation, beach erosion control and environmental restoration. The bill would require independent peer review for certain projects that exceed $40 million. It would authorize $3.9 billion for a system of new locks and dams and environmental restoration for the Upper Mississippi River and Illinois waterway system. It also would authorize hurricane recovery activities along the Gulf Coast." (H.R. 1495, CQ Vote #347: Adopted 81-12: R 36-10; D 43-2; I 2-0. 9/24/07, McCaskill Voted Nay)
· Senator McCaskill: "This Isn't About The Projects. This Is About The Process." "This isn't about the projects or merits of the projects. Painfully for me, one is in Missouri. This isn't about the projects. This is about the process. This isn't about Democrats. And this isn't about is about a bad habit. This is about getting into the habit of directing authorization or spending in a conference report instead of under the bright lights of the Senate floor, the House floor or committee work." (Senator Claire McCaskill, "McCaskill Floor Speech on WRDA," Press Release, 9/24/07)
FACT: John McCain Opposed WRDA Bill Because Of "Outrageous Spending [And] ... Drastically Increase The Backlog Of Army Corps Of Engineers Construction Projects"
John McCain Opposed The Water Bill In 2007 Because It Included "Outrageous Spending" And "Would Drastically Increase The Backlog Of Army Corps Of Engineers Construction Projects." "Mr. President, I would like to express my strong opposition to the Conference Report on the Water Resources Development Act of 2007. The legislation being considered today far exceeds the already outrageous spending that was approved in both the House- and Senate-passed bills and would drastically increase the backlog of Army Corps of Engineers construction projects while doing nothing to modernize the system for funding these projects. I wonder, did we learn nothing from Hurricane Katrina?" (Office Of U.S. Senator John McCain, "Statement By Senator McCain On The Water Resources Development Act Conference Report," Press Release, 9/24/07)
· The New York Times Said Democrats Took A "Dive" When It Came To Reforming The Status Quo. "Readers will recall that the Democrats promised to upend the status quo as soon as they won majority control. But some things, it appears, are untouchable, among them the Army Corps of Engineers. Presented with another opportunity to reform the Corps -- its weaknesses exposed by the levee failures in New Orleans and other misjudgments predating Hurricane Katrina -- Democrats on the House transportation committee took a dive." (Editorial, "Still Not Fixing the Army Corps," The New York Times, 3/19/07)
· The New York Times: While Containing Worthwhile Projects, The Bill Would Have Been "Far Better ... If The Democrats, As They Promised, Would Put The Interests Of Responsive Government Ahead Of Their Own." "In addition to the usual ration of pork, the bill contains several very important provisions, including vital and long-overdue financing for the Everglades restoration project, as well as money to begin the essential task of rebuilding Louisiana's vulnerable coastal wetlands. But it would be a far better bill if the Democrats, as they promised, would put the interests of responsive government ahead of their own and finally fix the Army Corps." (Editorial, "Still Not Fixing the Army Corps," The New York Times, 3/19/07)
· Time Magazine: "This Bill Just Sets The Stage For Future Katrinas." "WRDA is a lousy bill, stuffed with more pork than Sonny's Barbecue, coddling a dysfunctional agency, perpetuating a dysfunctional system. Louisiana and the Everglades need help, but they won't get it until Congress fixes the Corps. This bill just sets the stage for future Katrinas." (Michael Grunwald, "Setting the Stage for More Katrinas," Time Magazine, 8/2/07)
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Georgia Front Page.com
7:19 PM
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McCain - "Getting to Know Obama"
"McCain benefits from a long-established reputation as a man who says what he believes ... Obama is much newer to most voters, less familiar and more dependent on the impressions he is only now creating ... [I]t's also the case that the multiple joint town meetings McCain proposed would be a real service to the public and that suspending the dollar chase for the duration of the campaign, as McCain but not Obama will do, would be a major step toward establishing the credibility of the election process." -- David S. Broder
Getting to Know Obama
By David S. Broder
Washington Post
Sunday, June 22, 2008
We are barely at the beginning of the long period in which most Americans will give their first serious scrutiny to the presidential candidates and decide whether Barack Obama or John McCain will get their vote.
Americans have many questions about both men. In the Post-ABC News poll last week, only half of those interviewed said they felt they knew an adequate amount about the candidates' stands on specific issues. Voters split evenly on who would be the stronger leader, and they showed great uncertainty about which, if either, would be a safe choice for the White House.
Despite those fundamental weaknesses in the Republican position, McCain trails Obama in that same poll by only six points, hardly an impossible margin to overcome. What may be crucial in the end is whether people become comfortable with the prospect of Obama as their president.
McCain benefits from a long-established reputation as a man who says what he believes. His shifts in position that have occurred in this campaign seem not to have damaged that aura. Obama is much newer to most voters, less familiar and more dependent on the impressions he is only now creating.
That is why a pair of strategy decisions made in the past two weeks could prove troublesome for him. The first was Obama's turning down McCain's invitation to join him in a series of town hall meetings where they would appear together and answer questions from real voters -- without a formal agenda, press panel or professional interviewers.
Obama's manager initially called the idea "appealing," but nine days later, when David Plouffe got around to responding, he countered with something quite different from the 10 informal discussions McCain proposed holding before the late-summer nominating conventions. Plouffe said that in addition to the three traditional debates under official sponsorship later in the fall, there could be only two others -- one on economics on July 4 and another on foreign policy in August.
The McCain side said that few Americans would sacrifice their Independence Day holiday to watch a debate and reiterated its offer to meet Obama anywhere he wanted on any of the next 10 Thursdays.
At a news briefing last week, Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs characterized that as a "take it or leave it" stance by the Republicans and suggested that discussions were finished.
At the same briefing, Gibbs and campaign counsel Bob Bauer defended Obama's decision to become the first presidential candidate since the Watergate reforms to decline public financing of his general election campaign.
Gibbs and Bauer in effect blamed McCain, saying repeatedly that he was "gaming the system" by pledging to accept public funds while saying he could not "referee" spending by outside independent groups if it occurred. In fact, McCain had been far more vocal in denouncing such groups on the GOP side than Obama was in criticizing their counterparts playing Democratic presidential politics -- even though Obama has claimed the mantle of campaign finance reformer that McCain has long enjoyed.
But it's also the case that the multiple joint town meetings McCain proposed would be a real service to the public and that suspending the dollar chase for the duration of the campaign, as McCain but not Obama will do, would be a major step toward establishing the credibility of the election process.
By refusing to join McCain in these initiatives in order to protect his own interests, Obama raises an important question: Has he built sufficient trust so that his motives will be accepted by the voters who are only now starting to figure out what makes him tick?
Read The Full Article In Washington Post.
Posted by
Georgia Front Page.com
7:15 PM
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Defense Department Program Informs Overseas Voters
A Defense Department program is working to ensure overseas government employees, civilian contractors, servicemembers and their spouses have all the information they need to make their vote count.
Scott Wiedmann, deputy director and 15-year employee of the Federal Voting Assistance Program, said people deployed to combat or stationed overseas have numerous sources for registration and balloting information.
Every U.S. military installation and individual unit, as well as U.S. embassies, has voting assistance officers to help servicemembers and civilians. Information can also be found on the program's Web site at http://www.fvap.gov/.
This year is particularly important because of the U.S. presidential election approaching in November, Wiedmann noted. "Every vote counts, and a vote in the U.S. is a very powerful vote, so people need to take advantage of it," he said. "Not to diminish the importance of any other country, but certainly, a vote for the U.S. president will have its effect on many issues. Policy decisions made by the U.S. government do have an effect on many other countries around the world."
Military members, especially, should take advantage of their vote, he said. "Their daily lives, their income, their living conditions and their retirement benefits are decided by Congress. So, they should certainly have a choice in who's representing them," he added.
Wiedmann encouraged people turning in absentee ballots to act as early as possible to ensure enough time for their ballots and registration requests to process. The earlier one starts the process, the more time election officials have to decide whether the applicant meets the jurisdiction requirements to vote, he explained. Early application allows enough time for such issues to be resolved, he added.
"As long as people get their ballot requests in at least 30 days before the election, no state will be too late," Wiedmann said. "Thirty days is the maximum timeline for registration and ballot requests."
The primary procedure for all 55 U.S. states and territories is to process registrations and ballots by mail, but many states are working with the Defense Department and allowing servicemembers and overseas voters to request by e-mail and fax, he said.
If voters don't receive their ballots in a timely manner, they can request backup ballots on the program's Web site as well as at every military installation and U.S. embassies worldwide, he added.
By Army Staff Sgt. Michael J. Carden
American Forces Press Service
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Georgia Front Page.com
7:42 AM
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Friday, June 20, 2008
EU Schools US on Practical Foreign Policy with Cuba
As the European Union prepares to lift its limited sanctions on Cuba, the Libertarian Party is encouraging the Bush administration to follow suit. "The United States could learn much from the EU's decision to lift its remaining sanctions on Cuba," says Libertarian Party spokesperson Andrew Davis.
"The EU's decision to remove its last remaining sanctions on Cuba indicates a willingness to work with Cuba on human rights in a non-threatening manner," says Davis. "Current US policy towards Cuba creates an acrimonious relationship with that country and has done nothing but hurt American businesses and the Cuban people. US sanctions on Cuba have been a costly mistake since the 1960s, and it is time to correct that error. Though largely symbolic, the EU's decision should set an example for the future of American foreign policy with Cuba."
The Libertarian Party encourages a practical foreign policy with Cuba that replaces hostile sanctions with free trade and tourism. The Libertarian Party calls for the immediate suspension of all sanctions on Cuba, claiming, "The Cuban people and American industry suffer under such ineffectual policies as the Cuban embargo."
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Georgia Front Page.com
3:27 PM
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Explore ANWR and Outer Continental Shelf, Says Bob Barr
“The United States has large energy deposits within its own borders and off its shores.” says Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party candidate for president. “It is time for America to develop those resources to benefit the American people.”
The Democratic Party remains a large road block to a better energy future, since it even opposes exploration to determine how much oil and natural gas we have. “Sen. Barack Obama and his fellow Democrats say they want to promote a prosperous America, but they are committed to keeping us dependent on expensive foreign energy sources,” Barr observes.
Unfortunately, Sen. John McCain is little better. He is “a late and uncertain convert to a smarter energy policy,” says Barr. For years Sen. McCain, like most of his Democratic colleagues, opposed allowing development of the Outer Continental Shelf, thought to contain 86 billion barrels of oil, and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, believed to hold another eight to ten billion barrels of petroleum. Trillions of cubic feet of natural gas are available in the same areas.
“Even now, with gasoline prices racing past $4 a gallon, Sen. McCain cannot bring himself to support exploration in the small portion of ANWR known to contain valuable energy resources,” notes Barr. This week Sen. McCain said he “would be more than happy to examine it again,” but, argues Barr, “the time for making a responsible decision on energy development was years ago.”
Even where states have indicated their support for exploration—as in Virginia, where last year Gov. Tim Kaine and the legislature urged seismic testing—Congress has refused to appropriate the minimal funds necessary to act. “Congress foolishly tosses billions of dollars annually at alternative fuels which are never likely to be cost effective, yet refuses to take the most basic steps to develop proven energy reserves,” notes Barr.
It will be years before oil from these sources can be brought to market, critics complain. “That just underscores the need to act now,” explains Barr. We are vulnerable today to an overpriced world marketplace because we failed to develop our resources years ago. “Reducing our energy vulnerability should not be an issue of left or right; it is the responsible policy for America,” Barr insists.
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Georgia Front Page.com
9:30 AM
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McCain: "U.S. Shouldn't Put Vital Ties With Canada At Risk Over NAFTA"
"U.S. Sen. Barack Obama does not understand this. He has called NAFTA 'devastating' and 'a big mistake,' characterizations that are out of touch with the reality of NAFTA in Michigan. What truly would be devastating is to jeopardize the trade expansion of NAFTA through a misguided, isolationist impulse that would inevitably and understandably alienate a key partner like Canada." -- John McCain
U.S. Shouldn't Put Vital Ties With Canada At Risk Over NAFTA
By Sen. John McCain
Detroit Free Press
June 20, 2008
As one end of the bridge that connects America to our neighbors to the north, Detroit knows well that a close U.S.-Canada relationship is vitally and increasingly important.
In Michigan alone, 221,000 jobs are supported by trade with Canada. NAFTA countries comprise by far the largest export market for Michigan manufacturers. Last year, Michigan businesses sent more than $23 billion of exports to Canada, more than 20 times the total of their exports to China.
At a time when Michigan's auto industry faces serious pressure, $11 billion of vehicles and parts were exported to Canada. The task for the next president will be to build on these ties in order to make North America more secure, more prosperous, and more open to opportunity for all our citizens.
The North American Free Trade Agreement has provided our economy with a framework in which we can become more competitive. We will never achieve our goals by simply demanding the unilateral reopening of the treaty or threatening to unilaterally abrogate it. Such a move would be the height of economic and foreign policy irresponsibility.
What is needed is the cooperative work of partners to reduce the burden of complying with NAFTA's rules of origin and to reduce border delays so they do not become impediments to trade or the equivalent of a tariff. Perhaps most of all, those who would lead our countries must work to ensure that the benefits of NAFTA are understood throughout our countries, and not jeopardized through "cowboy diplomacy."
U.S. Sen. Barack Obama does not understand this. He has called NAFTA "devastating" and "a big mistake," characterizations that are out of touch with the reality of NAFTA in Michigan. What truly would be devastating is to jeopardize the trade expansion of NAFTA through a misguided, isolationist impulse that would inevitably and understandably alienate a key partner like Canada.
Our economic ties are not all that so closely binds Canada and the United States. Whether it comes to the protection of our national security, the future of our environment, or the flows of our energy, we rely on the cooperative relations Canada and the United States have forged. We import more of our oil and more of our natural gas from Canada than any other country.
As governments, we have made real progress in keeping our borders closed to terrorists and open to trade. In extending our security partnership with Canada, we can ensure continued flows of people and commerce while maintaining security on which these very flows depend.
In countless areas of international security, from Afghanistan to Haiti to proliferation, our common interests require common action. Sen. Obama's take-it-or-leave-it approach to dealing with America's friends would not rebuild the alliance relationships we need.
On my watch, America will listen to the views of our democratic allies. When we believe action is necessary, whether military, economic or diplomatic, we will try to persuade our friends that we are right. But we, in return, must be willing to be persuaded by them.
Canada and the United States have a shared destiny. We are both continental powers, nations shaped by our diverse heritage and our frontier experience. We are also both Arctic nations. And because of this common geography, we must be acutely aware of the perils posed by global warming and take immediate steps to reverse its effects.
I was among the first in Congress to introduce legislation to curb greenhouse gasses. We must also work to ensure reliable energy supplies and increase sources of renewable energy. Canada is America's largest energy supplier and not one that we need fear will pose a threat to our energy security.
As you read this, I'm scheduled to be visiting Ottawa to demonstrate how much we value our relationship and the economic and security benefits it brings -- for Michigan and all of America. Allies and partners like Canada cannot be taken for granted. If I am elected president, they will not be.
Read John McCain's Op-Ed
Posted by
Georgia Front Page.com
9:28 AM
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Bob Barr Says Cheap Loans to Leading Senators Demonstrate Washington’s “Casual Corruption”
Countrywide Financial’s preferential loans to Senators Christopher Dodd and Kent Conrad represent “the cozy corruption that has come to dominate Washington,” notes Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party candidate for president. Sen. Dodd and Sen. Conrad chair the Finance and Budget Committees, respectively. “Amazingly, Sen. Dodd continues to develop a multi-billion bail-out for the mortgage lending industry of which Countrywide is a leading member,” observes Barr.
What makes the relationship between the industry and the Senators so disturbing is that it seems so natural. Apparently Senators Dodd and Conrad thought nothing of seeking preferential treatment—even while claiming that they didn’t believe they were receiving a preferential interest rate on the mortgages they received. “As government grows ever bigger, the opportunities for such abuse grow more frequent,” Barr explains.
Of course, it isn’t just a problem with the mortgage industry. Two decades ago Republican and Democratic legislators, including Senator McCain, had close ties to failing Savings & Loans in the midst of another financial crisis. “Throughout U.S. history businesses have sought favors from politicians, with the public almost always the loser,” notes Barr.
The best strategy to reduce influence peddling and political corruption is not so-called reform that simply changes the rules smart attorneys have to get around, but cutting the size, scope, and cost of government. “As long as more than $3 trillion worth of hard earned taxpayer money is available for the taking along the Potomac, individuals and groups will spend lavishly and work feverishly to get their share and then some,” says Barr. “Ultimately, the only way to end the petty corruption that fills Washington is to eliminate the profit from the political game by dramatically shrinking government.”
Posted by
Georgia Front Page.com
7:14 AM
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McCain - Rep. Eric Cantor On Fox News' "Just In"
"So really, what we are hearing, as you suggest, is that Barack Obama says that Osama Bin Laden should not be subjected to death in the death penalty." -- Rep. Eric Cantor
Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA)
Fox News' "Just In"
June 19, 2008
Laura Ingraham: "Of course Congressman, there [Barack Obama] is talking about Osama Bin Laden and bringing him to justice. We do not want to make him a martyr. Does that mean that if Osama Bin Laden was convicted in an American court, he could not get the death penalty? I'm confused."
Rep. Cantor: "Well, that would sure seem to me the way to interpret that comment as well. I mean look Laura, first of all, let's call it how it is Barack Obama needs to stop trying to apologize for America to the rest of the world. There is no reason that we should have to do that, and the fact is that most Americans understand what the motivations were behind Osama Bin Laden and the 9/11 attacks. John McCain has said it once, he's said it again, if he becomes president, he will make sure that Osama Bin Laden is either executed in the courtroom or killed on the battlefield, period. Here we have Barack Obama trying to apologize, trying to say that we ought not make him a martyr. Frankly, I believe the definition of a martyr is someone who dies for his cause or is killed for his cause. So really, what we are hearing, as you suggest, is that Barack Obama says that Osama Bin Laden should not be subjected to death in the dea th penalty. That is not where most Americans are, and obviously it demonstrates again the world view that Barack Obama would approach the awesome task of being commander in chief, not something that the American people would really approve of."
Watch Rep. Eric Cantor.
Posted by
Georgia Front Page.com
6:55 AM
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Bob Barr Urges Congress: No Surveillance of Americans Without Fourth Amendment Protections
“In asserting his power to conduct warrantless searches of Americans, President George W. Bush has expressed his clear contempt for the Fourth Amendment. So has Sen. John McCain, despite his reputation as a supposed maverick,” says Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party candidate for president. Now the Democratic-led Congress is preparing to approve a so-called compromise that gives the Bush administration almost everything it wants in order to expand dramatically the power of the federal government to surveil American citizens without court orders. “America desperately needs leaders who will stand up for the Bill of Rights,” observes Barr, “not those who flaunt its vital and time-honored protections.”
The president already has the power to conduct surveillance of foreign terrorists. The 30-year old Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act provides for court oversight, along with the requirement that the government get a warrant. “The court has virtually never rejected a request,” notes Barr. “Changes in technology require updating the law, not gutting it.”
However, the bill being advanced by the Democratic leadership “would allow the government to listen to millions of phone calls by Americans with neither an individualized warrant nor an assessment of probable cause,” he adds. Although the law would offer some protection when a particular American was expressly targeted, even then “the proposed rules fall short of what the Fourth Amendment mandates.”
Moreover, the bill would immunize telephone companies from wrong-doing, protecting them against law suits even when the firms violated the law by helping the government conduct warrantless searches. Past cases would simply be dismissed. “Conservatives once said, ‘you do the crime, you do the time,’ but no longer,” observes Barr. Now virtually the entire Republican Party is prepared to sacrifice the Fourth Amendment rights of Americans in favor of federal government power.
And the Democratic leadership is ready to do the same. Congressional Democrats privately say that they don’t want to take the political risk of opposing the president. “But the individual liberty of Americans is not a political football, something to be tossed about when an election looms,” insists Barr. “It is the constitutional duty of lawmakers of both parties to defend the Constitution, even when they believe doing so might be politically inconvenient.”
Advocates of abandoning the Constitution warn us that we live in dangerous times. But Americans have long lived in dangerous times. “That didn’t stop the nation’s founders from creating a Constitution that secured individual liberty and limited government,” notes Barr. “It shouldn’t stop us from following the Constitution today.”
Posted by
Georgia Front Page.com
6:53 AM
Labels: bob barr, brooks, fayette, fayette county, fayette front page, fayetteville, georgia, peachtree city, tyrone, woolsey
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Obama Campaign Releases First General Election Television Ad
The Obama campaign today announced the release of its first television advertisement for the general election. The sixty second ad, entitled “Country I Love,” will begin airing in eighteen states across the country tomorrow to highlight how our shared values have shaped Senator Obama’s life.
In the spot, Senator Obama speaks to voters about the core values this nation was founded on and how they have guided him to work hard for his education, to bypass jobs on Wall Street to work as a community organizer, and to lead the fight for America’s families and veterans as an Illinois and United States Senator.
The ad presents Senator Obama’s record of passing laws to reform welfare, to cut taxes for working families, and to ensure America’s veterans have the health care they deserve.
The ad will air in Alaska, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Virginia.
You can watch “Country I Love” here.
SCRIPT – “Country I Love”
OBAMA: I’m Barack Obama.
America is a country of strong families and strong values. My life’s been blessed by both.
I was raised by a single mom and my grandparents. We didn’t have much money, but they taught me values straight from the Kansas heartland where they grew up. Accountability and self-reliance. Love of country. Working hard without making excuses. Treating your neighbor as you’d like to be treated. It’s what guided me as I worked my way up – taking jobs and loans to make it through college.
It’s what led me to pass up Wall Street jobs and go to Chicago instead, helping neighborhoods devastated when steel plants closed.
That’s why I passed laws moving people from welfare to work, cut taxes for working families and extended health care for wounded troops who’d been neglected.
I approved this message because I’ll never forget those values, and if I have the honor of taking the oath of office as President, it will be with a deep and abiding faith in the country I love.
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Georgia Front Page.com
2:08 PM
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McCain - Statement on Barack Obama's Public Financing Announcement Today
U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential campaign today released the following statement by Communications Director Jill Hazelbaker concerning Barack Obama's announcement that he will not participate in the public financing system:
"Today, Barack Obama has revealed himself to be just another typical politician who will do and say whatever is most expedient for Barack Obama.
"The true test of a candidate for President is whether he will stand on principle and keep his word to the American people. Barack Obama has failed that test today, and his reversal of his promise to participate in the public finance system undermines his call for a new type of politics.
"Barack Obama is now the first presidential candidate since Watergate to run a campaign entirely on private funds. This decision will have far-reaching and extraordinary consequences that will weaken and undermine the public financing system."
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Georgia Front Page.com
2:01 PM
Labels: barack obama, brooks, fayette, fayette county, fayette front page, fayetteville, funding, peachtree city, policy, reversal, tyrone, woolsey
Defense Department Program Informs Overseas Voters
SNEN Note: Having the opportunity to cast your vote for the candidate of your choice is one of America's great gifts. If you have a loved one serving our nation overseas, be sure to read this story.
A Defense Department program is working to ensure overseas government employees, civilian contractors, servicemembers and their spouses have all the information they need to make their vote count.
Scott Wiedmann, deputy director and 15-year employee of the Federal Voting Assistance Program, said people deployed to combat or stationed overseas have numerous sources for registration and balloting information.
Every U.S. military installation and individual unit, as well as U.S. embassies, has voting assistance officers to help servicemembers and civilians. Information can also be found on the program's Web site at www.fvap.gov.
This year is particularly important because of the U.S. presidential election approaching in November, Wiedmann noted. "Every vote counts, and a vote in the U.S. is a very powerful vote, so people need to take advantage of it," he said. "Not to diminish the importance of any other country, but certainly, a vote for the U.S. president will have its effect on many issues. Policy decisions made by the U.S. government do have an effect on many other countries around the world."
Military members, especially, should take advantage of their vote, he said. "Their daily lives, their income, their living conditions and their retirement benefits are decided by Congress. So, they should certainly have a choice in who's representing them," he added.
Wiedmann encouraged people turning in absentee ballots to act as early as possible to ensure enough time for their ballots and registration requests to process. The earlier one starts the process, the more time election officials have to decide whether the applicant meets the jurisdiction requirements to vote, he explained. Early application allows enough time for such issues to be resolved, he added.
"As long as people get their ballot requests in at least 30 days before the election, no state will be too late," Wiedmann said. "Thirty days is the maximum timeline for registration and ballot requests."
The primary procedure for all 55 U.S. states and territories is to process registrations and ballots by mail, but many states are working with the Defense Department and allowing servicemembers and overseas voters to request by e-mail and fax, he said.
If voters don't receive their ballots in a timely manner, they can request backup ballots on the program's Web site as well as at every military installation and U.S. embassies worldwide, he added.
By Army Staff Sgt. Michael J. Carden
American Forces Press Service
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10:11 AM
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Wednesday, June 18, 2008
McCain - Editorials Raise Questions About Barack Obama's Iraq Position
"Listen closely to Sen. Barack Obama's talk on Iraq and one thing becomes clear very quickly: it makes absolutely no sense." -- New Hampshire Union Leader
"Sen. Barack Obama told Iraq's foreign minister this week that he plans to visit the country between now and the presidential election. We think that's a good thing, not because Sen. John McCain has been prodding the candidate to do it but because it will give Mr. Obama an opportunity to refresh his badly outdated plan for Iraq." -- The Washington Post
A Plan For Defeat: Obama's Iraq Doublespeak
New Hampshire Union Leader
June 18, 2008
Listen closely to Sen. Barack Obama's talk on Iraq and one thing becomes clear very quickly: it makes absolutely no sense.
Here is Sen. Obama speaking in Michigan yesterday, explaining what he told Iraq's foreign minister: " ... an Obama administration will make sure that we continue with the progress that's been made in Iraq ... that we won't act precipitously, but that we will move to end U.S. combat forces in Iraq."
What progress in Iraq? That would be the progress made under Gen. David Petraeus' "surge" strategy, which Sen. Obama opposed. Back when Obama was criticizing the surge and calling for rapid withdrawal from Iraq (aka, surrender), Sen. John McCain was pushing for more troops and a plan for victory. Now that the policy Obama opposed has turned the tables, decimated al-Qaida in Iraq and made victory possible, Obama says he wants to "continue the progress."
But how? Gen. Petraeus says further troop reductions must come only after certain gains on the ground are made. Obama says exactly the opposite: withdrawals will come, gains or no.
Obama's initial plan was to withdraw within 16 months of his inauguration. But something funny happened on the way to the surrender. The surge worked. Now he is paying lip service to our success by claiming that he wants to continue it. The problem is, he cannot do both.
The United States cannot hold both of Obama's goals simultaneously because they are opposed to each other. One is based on improved conditions on the ground, the other ignores those conditions entirely. The only way to achieve both is through pure luck. Without that, the very troops working to accomplish one goal will be withdrawn to meet the other.
The United States cannot base its defense policy on crossed fingers. (That's what got us into this mess, remember?) It must have a comprehensive plan to win the war, not two competing plans, one to win and one to lose, operating at the same time.
Read The Union Leader Editorial
Mr. Zebari's Message
Iraq's foreign minister has a chat with Barack Obama.
Washington Post
June 18, 2008
Sen. Barack Obama told Iraq's foreign minister this week that he plans to visit the country between now and the presidential election. We think that's a good thing, not because Sen. John McCain has been prodding the candidate to do it but because it will give Mr. Obama an opportunity to refresh his badly outdated plan for Iraq. To do that, the Democrat needs to listen more to dedicated Iraqi leaders like Hoshyar Zebari, the foreign minister -- who, it seems, didn't hold back during their telephone conversation.
Mr. Obama laid out his current strategy for Iraq in November 2006, shortly before announcing his candidacy for president. At the time, Iraq appeared to be on the verge of a sectarian civilian war, and Mr. Obama was trying to distinguish himself in the Democratic primary race by offering a timetable for withdrawal. Nineteen months later, the situation in Iraq has changed dramatically, with violence down 75 percent from its peak and the Iraqi government and army in control of most of the country. But Mr. Obama has not altered his position: He still proposes withdrawing most U.S. troops according to a fixed timetable, set to the most rapid pace at which commanders have said American forces could be pulled out.
Mr. Zebari, who has served as foreign minister in every Iraqi government since 2003, finds Mr. Obama's proposal worrying. In a meeting with Post editors and reporters Tuesday, he said that after all the pain and sacrifices of the past five years, "we are just turning the corner in Iraq." A precipitous withdrawal, he said, "would create a huge vacuum and undo all the gains and achievements. And the others" -- enemies of the United States -- "would celebrate."
Mr. Zebari said he told Mr. Obama that "Iraq is not an island." In other words, an American withdrawal that destabilized the country would also roil the region around it and embolden U.S. adversaries such as al-Qaeda and Iran. "We have a deadly enemy," Mr. Zebari said. "When he sees that you commit yourself to a certain timetable, he will use this to increase pressure and attacks, to make it look as though he is forcing you out. We have many actors who would love to take advantage of that opportunity." Mr. Zebari says he believes U.S. forces can and should be drawn down. His point is that reductions should be made gradually, as the Iraqi army becomes stronger.
The foreign minister said "my message" to Mr. Obama "was very clear ... Really, we are making progress. I hope any actions you will take will not endanger this progress." He said he was reassured by the candidate's response, which caused him to think that Mr. Obama might not differ all that much from Mr. McCain. Mr. Zebari said that in addition to promising a visit, Mr. Obama said that "if there would be a Democratic administration, it will not take any irresponsible, reckless, sudden decisions or action to endanger your gains, your achievements, your stability or security. Whatever decision he will reach will be made through close consultation with the Iraqi government and U.S. military commanders in the field." Certainly, it makes sense to consult with those who, like Mr. Zebari, have put their lives on the line for an Iraq that would be a democratic U.S. ally. Mr. Obama ought to listen carefully to what they are saying.
Read The Washington Post Editorial.
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1:04 PM
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Obama to Host Economic Discussion with Democratic Governors on Friday
This Friday, June 20, Senator Barack Obama will host an economic discussion with Democratic governors in Chicago. At the meeting, Senator Obama and the governors will discuss working together to reverse the effect of eight years of the Bush economy on state budgets and looking beyond conventional Washington thinking to develop innovative solutions to the economic challenges the American people are facing every day.
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8:24 AM
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Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Statement by Mayor Giuliani on Barack Obama's Comments Regarding Terrorism
U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential campaign today released the following statement by Mayor Rudy Giuliani on Barack Obama's remarks concerning terrorism:
"Throughout this campaign, I have been very concerned that the Democrats want to take a step back to the failed policies that treated terrorism solely as a law enforcement matter rather than a clear and present danger. Barack Obama appears to believe that terrorists should be treated like criminals -- a belief that underscores his fundamental lack of judgment regarding our national security. In a post 9/11 world, we need to remain on offense against the terrorist threat which seeks to destroy our very way of life. We need a leader like John McCain who has the experience and judgment necessary to protect the American people."
Barack Obama: "And, you know, let's take the example of Guantanamo. What we know is that, in previous terrorist attacks -- for example, the first attack against the World Trade Center, we were able to arrest those responsible, put them on trial. They are currently in U.S. prisons, incapacitated. And the fact that the administration has not tried to do that has created a situation where not only have we never actually put many of these folks on trial, but we have destroyed our credibility when it comes to rule of law all around the world, and given a huge boost to terrorist recruitment in countries that say, 'Look, this is how the United States treats Muslims.' So that, I think, is an example of something that was unnecessary. We could have done the exact same thing, but done it in a way that was consistent with our laws." (ABC News, 6/16/08)
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Georgia Front Page.com
2:45 PM
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Obama Statement on Reports that US Soldiers are Being Recruited for Dangerous Drug Tests
Below is a statement from Barack Obama on disturbing reports that ‘mentally distressed veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan are being recruited for government tests on pharmaceutical drugs linked to suicide and other violent side effects.’ Full story follows.
"It is outrageous and unacceptable that our government would irresponsibly endanger veterans who have already sacrificed so much for our country. Our veterans - particularly those suffering from mental health injuries - should have the very best health care and support in the world, they should never be needlessly exposed to drugs without proper notification of the dangers involved or effective monitoring of the side effects. I will immediately be asking for a full and thorough investigation of how our government could yet again let down our veterans and their families who have given so much to their country,and who have paid so much for the failures of civilian leadership in Washington. It is time to demand accountability and to ensure that this kind of breach of trust never takes place again," said Barack Obama.
ABC: 'Disposable Heroes': Veterans Used To Test Suicide-Linked Drugs
An ABC News and Washington Times Investigation Reveals Vets Are Being Recruited for Government Tests on Drugs with Violent Side Effects
By Brian Ross and Vic Walter
June 17, 2008 —
Mentally distressed veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan are being recruited for government tests on pharmaceutical drugs linked to suicide and other violent side effects, an investigation by ABC News and The Washington Times has found.
The report will air on Good Morning America and will also appear in The Washington Times on Tuesday. (click here to read "The Washington Times" coverage of "Disposable Heroes")
In one of the human experiments, involving the anti-smoking drug Chantix, Veterans Administration doctors waited more than three months before warning veterans about the possible serious side effects, including suicide and neuropsychiatric behavior.
"Lab rat, guinea pig, disposable hero," said former US Army sniper James Elliott in describing how he felt he was betrayed by the Veterans Administration.
Elliott, 38, of suburban Washington, D.C., was recruited, at $30 a month, for the Chantix anti-smoking study three years after being diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He served a 15-month tour of duty in Iraq from 2003-2004.
Months after he began taking the drug, Elliott suffered a mental breakdown, experiencing a relapse of Iraq combat nightmares he blames on Chantix.
"They never told me that I was going to be suicidal, that I would cease sleeping. They never told me anything except this will help me quit smoking," Elliott told ABC News and The Washington Times.
On the night of February 5th, after consuming a few beers, Elliott says he "snapped" and left his home with a loaded gun.
His fiancee, Tammy, called police and warned, "He's extremely unstable. He has PTSD."
"Do you think that he is going to shoot or attack the police?" the 911 dispatcher asked.
"I can't be certain. I don't know," she said.
"He was operating as if he was back in theater, in combat theater," she told ABC News. "And of course, a soldier goes nowhere without a gun."
When police arrived, they found Elliott in the street, with the gun in the front pocket of his hooded sweatshirt.
"Are you going to shoot me? Shoot me," Elliott said, according to the police report.
Police used a Taser gun to stun Elliott and placed him under arrest.
It wasn't until three weeks later that the Veterans Administration advised the veterans in the Chantix study that the drug may cause serious side effects, including "anxiety, nervousness, tension, depression, thoughts of suicide, and attempted and completed suicide."
The VA's letter to the veterans, on February 29, 2008, followed three warnings from the FDA and Chantix' maker Pfizer, that were issued on November 20, 2007, January 18, 2008 and February 1, 2008. (click here to read the FDA warning and click here to read Pfizer's statement on Chantix)
"How this study continued in the face of these difficulties is almost impossible to understand," said Arthur Caplan, director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania.
Doctors at the Veterans Administration say they acted as quickly as they could.
"This didn't justify an emergency warning at that level," said Dr. Miles McFall, co-administrator of the VA study.
Dr. McFall said there is no proof that Elliott's breakdown was caused by Chantix and he sees no reason to discontinue the study. Some 140 veterans diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder continue to receive Chantix as part of a smoking cessation study.
Dr. McFall says the VA decided to continue the Chantix study because "it would be depriving our veterans of an effective method of treatment to help them stop smoking."
Caplan, one of the country's leading medical ethicists, said he was stunned by the VA's decision to continue the Chantix experiment.
"Why take the group most a risk and keep them going? That doesn't make any sense, once you know the risk is there," he said.
Chantix is one of the drugs being used in an estimated 25 clinical studies using veterans by the VA.
Pfizer maintains that "the benefits of Chantix outweigh the risks" and that it continues to do further studies on the drug.
The FAA has prohibited commercial airline pilots from using Chantix because of its possible side effects.
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Georgia Front Page.com
12:48 PM
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Monday, June 16, 2008
McCain - Barack Obama's Remarks Concerning Terrorism
Today, McCain campaign Foreign Policy Advisor Randy Scheunemann issued the following statement concerning Barack Obama's interview with ABC News:
"Barack Obama's belief that we should treat terrorists as nothing more than common criminals demonstrates a stunning and alarming misunderstanding of the threat we face from radical Islamic extremism. Obama holds up the prosecution of the terrorists who bombed the World Trade Center in 1993 as a model for his administration, when in fact this failed approach of treating terrorism simply as a matter of law enforcement rather than a clear and present danger to the United States contributed to the tragedy of September 11th. This is change that will take us back to the failed policies of the past and every American should find this mindset troubling."
Barack Obama: "And, you know, let's take the example of Guantanamo. What we know is that, in previous terrorist attacks -- for example, the first attack against the World Trade Center, we were able to arrest those responsible, put them on trial. They are currently in U.S. prisons, incapacitated. And the fact that the administration has not tried to do that has created a situation where not only have we never actually put many of these folks on trial, but we have destroyed our credibility when it comes to rule of law all around the world, and given a huge boost to terrorist recruitment in countries that say, 'Look, this is how the United States treats Muslims.' So that, I think, is an example of something that was unnecessary. We could have done the exact same thing, but done it in a way that was consistent w ith our laws." (ABC News, 6/16/08)
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Georgia Front Page.com
10:08 PM
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Libertarian Party asks McCain: 'What's so wrong with habeas corpus?'
The Libertarian Party is questioning comments made by Sen. John McCain following the recent Supreme Court decision that granted the right of habeas corpus to detainees in Guantanamo Bay. "We’d like to ask John McCain what's so wrong with habeas corpus," says Libertarian Party spokesperson Andrew Davis.
The presumptive GOP presidential nominee called the ruling "one of the worst decisions in the history of this country."
"The writ of habeas corpus is one of the key pillars of freedom in Western civilization," says Davis. "To have the leading figure of any political party come out so strongly against the basic idea that one should have protections against false imprisonment is both puzzling and frightening. Perhaps Sen. McCain needs a refresher course in civil liberties and the foundations for justice in civilized societies. Justice will prevail, Sen. McCain. There is no need for shortcuts."
The Libertarian Party has frequently criticized the Bush administration and Congressional Republicans for what the Party sees as rampant abuse of civil liberties that frequently defy the Constitution. The Libertarian Party calls for the repeal of legislation like the Patriot Act and the Military Commission Act, which increase the power of the federal government at the expense of civil liberties.
“The Court’s habeas corpus decision was a victory for all Americans more than any particular litigant, since it affirmed the duty of the executive branch to obey the law,” says former Congressman Bob Barr, who is also the Libertarian Party's 2008 presidential nominee. In fighting terrorism, “we must not sacrifice those liberties which make America the unique nation that it is,” Barr adds.
Barr suggests that he and Sen. McCain approach such leading legal organizations as the ACLU and Federalist Society to jointly host a debate on the role of habeas corpus and other constitutional protections for civil liberties in the fight against terrorism.
“I’m ready to meet Sen. McCain any time and any place,” says Barr.
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Georgia Front Page.com
9:53 PM
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McCain - Barack Obama's Anti-growth Agenda
Today, McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds issued the following statement on Barack Obama's remarks concerning global competitiveness:
"Barack Obama's agenda to raise taxes and isolate America from foreign markets will not get our economy back on track or create new jobs. Even Barack Obama admits that it's poor economic judgment to want to raise taxes while our economy is struggling. Even Barack Obama's advisors admit that his trade policies will harm our economy. To help create jobs in America, we need to lower taxes and open up foreign markets to American goods. Americans cannot afford Barack Obama's 'change' that takes us back to the failed policies of the past."
Barack Obama: Tax increases will hurt the economy.
Barack Obama's Plan To Raise Taxes During An Economic Downturn Would Only Further Weaken Our Economy:
Last Week, Barack Obama Admitted His Tax Increases Will Harm The Economy.
CNBC'S JOHN HARWOOD: "And I found this fascinating, Maria, that on the issue of taxes, he looked to insulate himself by saying that if, in fact, economic conditions justify the fact that it might harm the economy, he might be willing to hold off some of his tax increases when he takes office in January. Let's take a listen to Barack Obama."
BARACK OBAMA: "Some of those, you could possibly defer. But I think the basic principle of restoring fairness to our economy and encouraging bottom-up economic growth is important. So here's what we know: We know that over the last decade or so, that more than half of the economic growth has been captured by the top one percent of U.S. citizens. That means the other 99 percent have seen their effective incomes go down. That is not a recipe for long- term economic growth." (CNBC, 6/9/08)
· Watch Barack Obama On CNBC
CNBC's Maria Bartiromo Asked Barack Obama: "Why Raise Taxes At All In An Economic Slowdown? Isn't That Going To Put A Further Strain On People?" (CNBC's "Closing Bell," 3/27/08)
Barack Obama's Isolationist trade policies
Barack Obama's Isolationist Stance Would Slow Growth And Hurt America's Global Competitiveness:
The Wall Street Journal: "On The Record So Far, Mr. Obama Is The Most Protectionist U.S. Presidential Candidate In Decades." "On the record so far, Mr. Obama is the most protectionist U.S. presidential candidate in decades. In February he inserted a statement opposing the Korean trade deal into the Congressional record only days before securing the endorsement of the powerful Teamsters union. He also opposes the U.S.-Colombia pact, and he has called for rewriting Nafta -- unilaterally if Canada and Mexico don't play along. Mr. Obama's economic adviser, Austan Goolsbee, told Canadian officials this was all for primary show, but the candidate is backing himself into a political corner should he win the White House." (Editorial, "Change You'll Have To Pay For," The Wall Street Journal, 5/28/08)
· "[E]conomists Remain Almost Unanimous In Warning That Restricting Trade Would Slow Overall Growth." (Justin Fox, "How The Next President Should Fix The Economy," Time, 5/26/08)
Barack Obama Pledged To Renegotiate NAFTA With The Threat Of A "Potential Opt-Out." NBC's Tim Russert: "A simple question. Will you as president say to Canada and Mexico, this [NAFTA] has not worked for us, we are out?" Obama: "I will make sure that we renegotiate in the same way that Senator Clinton talked about, and I think actually Senator Clinton's answer on this one is right. I think we should use the hammer of a potential opt-out as leverage to ensure that we actually get labor and environmental standards that are enforced." (Sen. Barack Obama, MSNBC Democrat Presidential Debate, Cleveland, OH, 2/26/08)
Barack Obama Opposes NAFTA, CAFTA, The South Korea And Colombia Free Trade Agreements, And Permanent Normal Trade Relations With China. Obama: "But what I refuse to accept is that we have to sign trade deals like the South Korea Agreement that are bad for American workers. What I oppose - and what I have always opposed - are trade deals that put the interests of multinational corporations ahead of the interests of Americans workers - like NAFTA, and CAFTA, and permanent normal trade relations with China. And I'll also oppose the Colombia Free Trade Agreement if President Bush insists on sending it to Congress ..." (Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks To The AFL-CIO, Philadelphia, PA, 4/2/08)
Obama vs. advisor Austin Goolsbee: Barack Obama's Advisor Opposes Renegotiating NAFTA.
On February 27, 2008, CTV News Reported An Obama Adviser Went To The Canadian Embassy And Sent Message That Barack Obama's Campaign Rhetoric Critical Of NAFTA Was Not Serious. "Barack Obama has ratcheted up his attacks on NAFTA, but a senior member of his campaign team told a Canadian official not to take his criticisms seriously, CTV News has learned. Both Obama and Hillary Clinton have been critical of the long-standing North American Free Trade Agreement over the course of the Democratic primaries, saying that the deal has cost U.S. workers' jobs. Within the last month, a top staff member for Obama's campaign telephoned Michael Wilson, Canada's ambassador to the United States, and warned him that Obama would speak out against NAFTA, according to Canadian sources." ("Obama Staffer Gave Warning Of NAFTA Rhetoric," CTV News, www.ctv.ca, 2/27/08
After The Campaign's Denials, The Associated Press Noted A Memo Written By The Canadian Consulate Which Described An Obama Adviser's Visit. "Barack Obama's senior economic policy adviser said Sunday that Canadian government officials wrote an inaccurate portrayal of his private discussion on the campaign's trade policy in a memo obtained by The Associated Press. The memo is the first documentation to emerge publicly out of the meeting between the adviser, Austan Goolsbee, and officials with the Canadian consulate in Chicago..." (Nedra Pickler, "Obama Adviser Denies Trade Remarks," The Associated Press, 3/2/08)
· Canadian Consulate Memo: "Noting anxiety among many U.S. domestic audiences about the U.S. economic outlook, Goolsbee candidly acknowledged the protectionist sentiment that has emerged, particularly in the Midwest, during the primary campaign. He cautioned that this messaging should not be taken out of context and should be viewed as more about political positioning than a clear articulation of policy plans." (Nedra Pickler, "Obama Adviser Denies Trade Remarks," The Associated Press, 3/2/08)
Obama vs. advisor Jason Furman: Advisor Jason Furman Has Warned Against Democrats Like Barack Obama Who "Bash Trade And Call For Protectionism."
"And In Recently Naming Jason Furman A Senior Advisor, Obama Chose A Centrist Economist Whose Strong Record In Favor Of Free Trade Has Infuriated Labor And Liberal Activists." (Janet Hook, "Two Sides Of The American Coin," Los Angeles Times, 6/15/08)
Furman Has Warned Democrats Against Democrats Attempting To "Bash Trade And Call For Protectionism." Furman: "I hope the lesson that Democratic candidates take from this is not to bash trade and call for protectionism, but instead to call for a robust safety net. Those are all the best answers." (NPR's "Morning Edition," 10/9/07)
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Georgia Front Page.com
9:10 PM
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